become a trainer
become a personal Trainer at Southside Strength and Fitness
southside Strength and Fitness operates their personal trainers differently than many other gyms. All of our personal trainers are independent contractors who are building their own businesses within the gym. We do have a set of rules and regulations that all trainers must adhere to which protects them, the gym, and all of our members. We do not dictate the pricing or structure of your rates or services and have a simple flat fee that our trainers pay per month for their trainer dues. All money collected for trainer services is strictly kept between the trainer and their client.
Onboarding requirements for Personal Trainers:
Provide Southside with proof of an active national-level certificate. The certificate needs to cover the type of training that you will be instructing. The certificate needs to be approved by our staff, be nationally certified, and have continuing education requirements. (ex. NASM, ISAA, ACSM)
Provide Southside with a copy of your active business license.
Provide Southside with a copy of active liability insurance with Southside listed as an additional insured.
Sign and abide by our Southside personal trainer standards.
Pay your trainer's dues. This is twice the monthly membership rate, currently $120 per month.