Equipment For Sale! >>
Equipment For Sale! >>
Periodically, the gym will sell some used equipment or fixtures to make space for new equipment and updates. If we have anything for sale, it will be listed on this page with pricing. If you have any questions, you can ask the front desk or email Matt at
Equipment For Sale:
Custom Fabricated- combo rack
Much like the TSS Combo Racks, this custom-built combo rack has been built for both benching and squatting and is a necessity for any serious powerlifter. This includes the rack and face savers but no barbell. This particular rack has been used in numerous powerlifting meets throughout Alaska and is a piece of local history.
** Payment received will hold the equipment for you. We can release the equipment once we receive our replacement. ETA of early January.
Body Masters fixed weight rack and fixed weight straight barbells
This Body Masters fixed-weight barbell rack holds ten different barbells and hardly takes up any space. Great rack with tons of life left. Rack alone is priced at $150.
Fixed weight barbells sell at $1.25 per lb, and weights range from 20 lbs to 110 lbs.
** Payment received will hold the equipment for you. We can release the equipment once we receive our replacement. ETA of early January for barbells and February for rack.
KettleBells and Rack
The rack for these kettlebells is being sold at $75.
Kettle Bells are being sold at $1.25 per lb.
** Payment received will hold the equipment for you. We can release the equipment once we receive our replacement. ETA of early January.
Kettle Bells are being sold at $1.25 per lb.
Bar Bells are being sold at $1.25 per lb.
Dead Lift Platform being sold at $250
** Payment received will hold the equipment for you. We can release the equipment once we receive our replacement. ETA of early January.